What is Leave Loading? Here’s How it Works and Who Gets it

Are you taking time off over Christmas due to work? Leave loading might be a pleasant surprise.

In Australia, full-time and part-time workers are entitled to annual leave.

In some industries, employees receive an extra payment during their time off, known as leave loading.

Here’s an overview of how it works, who is eligible, and how to calculate the extra amount you could receive.

What is leave loading?

Under Australian law, all workers are entitled to a minimum of four weeks (20 business days) of paid annual leave. However, some employees receive an additional payment on top of their regular base pay when they take annual leave. This extra payment, known as leave loading, is designed to compensate workers, especially those who work overtime or shifts, for additional expenses they might incur during their time off. Unlike paid leave, leave loading is not a guaranteed entitlement.

How does leave loading work?

Leave loading is typically an additional 17.5% on top of your regular wage, paid during your annual leave period if you’re eligible. This payment is usually included in your regular pay and may be received either during or after your leave. Not everyone is entitled to annual leave loading, so it’s important to verify with your employer, or union, or by reviewing your award or workplace agreement. When planning your annual leave, confirm with your employer whether you’re eligible for leave loading, the percentage rate, and the expected timing of the payment.

How much is leave loading?

According to the Fair Work Ombudsman, leave loading typically amounts to an additional 17.5% on top of an employee’s regular wage. However, certain awards, like the General Retail Industry Award, specify that annual leave loading should be either 17.5% of the base pay or the applicable weekend penalty rate, whichever is higher.

How to calculate leave loading?

Many modern awards specify that employees receive annual leave loading in addition to their regular hourly rate when they take annual leave. Several awards stipulate that employees should be paid the higher of the following:

  1. A 17.5% loading, or
  2. The weekend penalty rates the employee typically receives (including shift loading if the employee is a shift worker).

This comparison must be made over the entire leave period rather than daily.

Example 1:

Tom has accrued three weeks of paid annual leave and plans to go on a holiday. With a base pay of $800 per week, he is entitled to leave loading, calculated as 3 x 17.5% x $800, which equals $420. This amount is in addition to his regular pay. For three weeks of leave, his total pay, excluding leave loading, amounts to $2,400. Adding the $420 leave loading, his total pay for the annual leave comes to $2,820.

Example 2:

Katya works 5 hours each day from Tuesday to Saturday, totaling 25 hours per week. Her base hourly rate is $20. On Saturdays, she earns a 25% weekend penalty, making her Saturday pay rate $25 per hour.

Here’s how her weekly pay is calculated:

  1. Minimum weekly pay without weekend penalties: 25 hours x $20 = $500
  2. Minimum weekly pay plus leave loading: $500 + 17.5% = $587.50
  3. Minimum weekly pay plus weekend penalties:
    • 20 hours x $20 = $400
    • 5 hours x $25 = $125
    • Total = $525

Since her minimum weekly pay plus leave loading ($587.50) is higher than her pay with weekend penalties ($525), Katya receives $587.50 for her week of annual leave.

Who gets leave loading?

Annual leave loading is a legal entitlement in many industry awards, meaning it applies to employees covered by these awards. An award agreement is a legal document that outlines the minimum pay rates for a specific industry. Common industries with awards that provide annual leave loading include building and construction, manufacturing, hospitality, and real estate. Entitlement to annual leave loading can also be specified in enterprise agreements, employment contracts, or other registered agreements between an employee and their employer. If you’re unsure whether you’re eligible for leave loading, check your employee’s award or visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website.

Is it possible for my boss to make me take annual leave during the holiday shutdown?

On the Fair Work Ombudsman website, it’s outlined which employees must take annual leave during a shutdown and which are exempt. Employers can require their employees to use annual leave during a holiday shutdown if permitted by their award or registered agreement. However, specific rules apply. If the award or agreement permits, employees may agree with their employer to take annual leave in advance or unpaid leave if they don’t have enough accrued annual leave to cover the shutdown. Without specific shutdown rules in an award or agreement, employers cannot mandate employees to take annual leave.

Benefits of Receiving Leave Loading

For Employees

Leave loading is a benefit provided to employees in some regions and industries, typically as a percentage of their regular pay, on top of their standard leave entitlements. Here are some benefits of receiving leave loading for employees:

1. Increased Financial Security During Leave
  • Higher Income: Leave loading boosts the employee’s pay when they take annual leave, making it easier to cover expenses or enjoy their time off without financial stress.
  • Better Planning: The extra money can help employees plan and budget more effectively for vacations or other activities.
2. Enhanced Work-Life Balance
  • Encourages Taking Leave: With additional financial support, employees might be more inclined to take their full entitlement of annual leave, promoting better work-life balance and reducing burnout.
  • Improved Rest and Recuperation: Financial stability during leave allows employees to fully relax and recharge, which can lead to better performance and satisfaction upon return to work.
3. Attractive Employment Conditions
  • Competitive Edge: Companies offering leave loading may be more attractive to potential employees, enhancing their recruitment and retention efforts.
  • Employee Satisfaction: Existing employees may feel more valued and appreciated, contributing to higher job satisfaction and loyalty.
4. Support for Higher Costs During Leave
  • Increased Living Costs: The additional pay can help cover increased expenses that may arise during time off, such as travel, accommodation, or special activities.
  • Emergency Fund: The extra money can serve as a buffer for unexpected expenses or emergencies that might arise while away from work.
5. Reduced Financial Stress
  • Less Pressure: With additional income during leave, employees may experience less financial pressure, which can contribute to overall well-being and mental health.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Employees who don’t worry about financial issues during their leave may return to work with greater focus and productivity.

For Employers

For employers, offering leave loading can also have several benefits, even though it represents an additional expense. Here’s how it can be advantageous:

1. Improved Employee Attraction and Retention
  • Competitive Advantage: Offering leave loading can make the company more attractive to potential employees, helping to attract top talent.
  • Enhanced Loyalty: Employees may feel more valued and appreciated, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.
2. Increased Employee Productivity and Engagement
  • Better Rest and Recovery: Employees who receive leave loading may return to work more refreshed and motivated, leading to higher productivity and engagement.
  • Reduced Burnout: Encouraging employees to take their full leave entitlements with financial support helps prevent burnout, which can improve overall workplace morale and effectiveness.
3. Positive Company Culture
  • Demonstrates Care: Providing leave loading signals to employees that the company values their well-being and work-life balance, fostering a positive and supportive work environment.
  • Enhanced Morale: Employees who feel supported and appreciated are likely to have higher morale, which can contribute to a more cohesive and motivated team.
4. Reduced Absenteeism
  • Less Unplanned Leave: Employees who take their full annual leave entitlements and feel financially secure may be less likely to take unscheduled or sick leave, reducing overall absenteeism.
  • Lower Stress Levels: Financial support during leave can help reduce stress, potentially leading to fewer health-related absences.
5. Increased Compliance and Goodwill
  • Regulatory Compliance: In regions where leave loading is a legal requirement or industry standard, providing it helps ensure compliance with employment laws and regulations.
  • Positive Reputation: Companies known for offering comprehensive benefits, including leave loading, can build a positive reputation as a desirable employer, which can benefit their public image and brand.


Leave loading offers substantial benefits for both employees and employers. For employees, it enhances financial security, supports a better work-life balance, and helps cover additional leave-related costs. For employers, it aids in attracting and retaining talent, boosts productivity and morale, and fosters a positive company culture. Additionally, providing leave loading can improve compliance with industry standards and regulations. Overall, while it represents an additional cost, leave loading can lead to long-term benefits in employee satisfaction and organizational effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is annual leave loading paid?

Annual leave loading is typically paid alongside your annual leave payments. Employers are not obligated to make additional payments outside of regular pay cycles, so this loading will be included on your usual pay date. If your employment ends, annual leave loading is generally paid out with any accrued annual leave balance.

Do you get leave loading on salary?

The timing and method of receiving your leave loading can differ and may require a discussion with your employer. Some employees receive it as part of an annual salary, while others might get an all-inclusive hourly rate that covers leave loading. In this latter scenario, leave loading is not paid separately from your salary. If you are entitled to annual leave loading, any outstanding amount must be paid out when your employment ends.

Is leave loading taxable?

In Australia, leave loading is considered taxable income. However, the first $320 of this payment is exempt from tax. If your leave loading payment is $320 or less, it will not be subject to taxation.

Is leave loading paid on termination?

When you resign, you typically receive a final payment from your employer. It’s a good idea to use a calculator to ensure that you’ve received the correct amount and all the final payouts you’re entitled to. This should include compensation for any accrued leave and, if applicable, leave loading. Keep in mind that these payments are subject to standard income tax.

Is super payable on annual leave loading?

Annual leave loading is considered part of ordinary time earnings (OTE), meaning employers must pay superannuation contributions on this amount. Typically, leave loading is classified as OTE because it pertains to annual leave.

However, an employer might choose not to pay superannuation on leave loading if they view it as compensation for overtime wages that could have been earned if you had worked instead. In such cases, the employer must document this classification of leave loading.

Without proper documentation, the ATO may determine that superannuation contributions were withheld improperly, potentially resulting in fines for the employer.

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