Canadians Eligible for Class Action Settlement Money if they were prescribed Oxycontin and OxyNEO

Purdue Pharma has agreed to a settlement in order to settle claims arising from the wrongful distribution to the public of OxyContin on Canadian markets. A number of class action lawsuits were brought in the case of Purdue Pharma. The lawsuits claimed Purdue Pharma did not properly inform patients and physicians about the dangers and addictive nature of OxyContin and OxyNEO could be.

They also were accused of misrepresenting advertising, which made these drugs appear more secure than they really were. This caused many to become addicted and experience serious health issues. Due to the actions of Purdue Pharma numerous patients were eventually addicted, overdosing and battling other health problems.

Canada OxyContin, OxyNEO Settlement Amount

The settlement approved by the court creates a fund of $20 million to pay class members who sustained injuries caused by OxyContin or OxyNEO. The fund will also cover related expenses, including payments to health insurance companies for healthcare costs as well as claims administration fees legal fees, disbursements and legal costs and taxes that are applicable.

The amount of compensation awarded to the Class Members who are eligible is determined by the points system described in the Exhibit “B” of the Settlement Agreement. Points are determined to the Administrator after examining the Claim Form along with the supporting evidence. The amount of compensation awarded to the individual Class Member will only be revealed after all claims have been completed and the administration has been completed.

Required Documents

In order to be eligible for the benefits of Class Members, they need to submit a Claim Form together with proof of:

  1. The prescription of OxyContin or OxyNEO in the time frame of the prescription.
  2. The development of addiction occurs in the course of prescription.
  3. The absence of a pre-existing addiction and/or addiction issues prior to the time of being prescribed OxyContin or OxyNEO.

Particular injuries that may qualify Class Members to a higher amount of indemnity include:

  • Overdose.
  • Suicide attempts.
  • Participation in the treatment program.
  • Methadone use.
  • During the course of addiction, the loss of a career, a professional license, or housing for child custody may be a significant setback.

Deadline for Submitting Claims

Claim Form and supporting documents Claim Form and supporting documents are due to administrator, RicePoint Administration Inc. by June 27 2024. Any claims received after this date are not eligible as compensation.

In the event that a claim gets not accepted Class Members are entitled to contest the decision of the Claims Administrator. The appeal must be filed within 30 days of when they receive the notice of decision together with the cost of $100.

Settlement Approval DateNovember 8, 2022
Settlement Finalization DateFebruary 6, 2023
Claim Submission Start Date(Already Started)
Claim Submission DeadlineJune 27, 2024

For more details on how to make a claim, and to obtain documents that can be used as evidence of addiction, prescription, and injury, go to the OxyContin settlement of class action website.

What are the services covered by this Plan?

The CDCP is designed to provide an array of dental healthcare services to ensure dental health to prevent problems, as well as cure illnesses. The services covered by the CDCP are:

  • The Preventive Service: This includes cleanings sealants, sealants and fluoride treatments. These are crucial to maintain oral hygiene and preventing dental diseases.
  • Diagnostic Service: Examinations and X-rays belong to this category, assisting in the detection and early treatment of dental problems.
  • Restoration Services These include fillings that repair the functionality and strength that damaged teeth have lost.
  • Endodontic Service: Root canal treatments required to save teeth with damaged pulp, are covered.
  • Prosthodontic Service: Dentures, for example which can replace teeth that are missing in this class.
  • Dental Services The deep scaling process to treat gum disease is part of the package.
  • oral Surgery Service: This includes tooth extractions as well as other surgical procedures needed to ensure oral health.

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