Assurance IQ TCPA Settlement – Check Eligibility, Deadline & Payout Amount

Assurance IQ consented to a $21.875 million TCPA settlement to close the class action lawsuit However, it hasn’t admitted any wrongdoing. The deadline for submission of claims is Wednesday the 31st of August 2024 by the latest date when you have to submit the Claim Form in paper or send it via the internet. Tuesday 3 September 2024 is the date reserved for the Final Approval Hearing.

Assurance IQ TCPA Settlement

Assurance IQ is an online marketplace that offers health insurance quotes from a variety of insurance companies. Assurance IQ consented to a $21.875 million TCPA settlement to close the class action lawsuit however, it has not acknowledged any wrongdoing.

Class members are entitled to be paid a portion of the settlement amount under the provisions that are part of the IQ settlement. Each installment will depend on the number of legitimate claims filed. There are at present no estimations of the amount of each payment available.

31 August 2024 is the deadline to file oppositions or exclusions. 3 September 2024 is the date for the Assurance IQ Settlement’s final hearing for approval. Class members must submit the correct claim form by 31 August 2024 to be eligible for an Assurance Settlement payout.

Assurance IQ TCPA Settlement Amount

In settling an $21.875 million TCPA settlement to settle the class action litigation Assurance IQ has not acknowledged any violations. A portion of the settlement is offered to participants in the class under the conditions of the agreement with Assurance IQ settlement.

The amount of legitimate claims that are submitted will determine the amounts to be paid. We don’t currently have any estimates of the amount due. If the Settlement is ultimately accepted through the Court, Assurance IQ will create a fund of $21,875,000. You could receive a part of this sum when you submit the proper claim Form.

Class Counsel projects that the amount will be split among participants in the Settlement Class at a rate ranging from $167-$33. Based on the number of Settlement Class Members opt to participate in the overall Settlement and how many of them participate, the members’ share of the funds could be greater or less.

How to Claim for Assurance IQ TCPA Settlement?

To claim the Assurance IQ TCPA settlement take these steps:

Verify Call HistoryEnsure you have not received any uninvited calls from Assurance IQ without prior express consent within the relevant period.
Visit Settlement WebsiteGo to the official settlement website: as provided in the settlement notice.
Complete Online Claim FormFill out the online claim form with necessary details, including contact information and details of the unsolicited calls.
Submit by DeadlineSubmit the completed claim form online by the specified deadline.
Notification and InstructionsAfter submission, you will be notified of the outcome and receive additional instructions regarding your claim.

Assurance IQ TCPA Settlement Eligibility

Between September 1, 2018 until between March 6 and 6, 2024 were contacted by call messages from Assurance IQ where the voice was either artificial or recorded. To be qualified to be compensated under the settlement referred to as the IQ TCPA settlement people have to meet the following criteria:

  • If you received uninvited calls, you must have received telephone calls by Assurance IQ without prior explicit consent.
  • Call Time Calls must be completed within the period specified by the agreement to settle.
  • Autodialed Calls These calls must have been made using an automated phone dialing device (autodialer) or were recorded voice messages.

The implications on this settlement Assurance IQ TCPA settlement

For Consumers

  • The AssuranceIQ settlement with the TCPA had important consequences for consumers.
  • It first and foremost offered financial compensation to those who were impacted by the uninvited calls.
  • The compensation was not just a way to address the interruption and disturbance caused by the calls, but also provided a deterrent to other companies who might be considering similar practices.
  • Furthermore, the settlement’s requirement to Assurance IQ to change its operations and enhance its compliance processes was a step forward for consumer security.
  • The changes were made to stop the possibility of TCPA violations as well as to make sure that consumers’ rights are protected in the future.

For Businesses

  • The Settlement with Assurance IQ also sent a clear message to businesses who are involved in the telemarketing industry. It stressed the importance of adhering to this TCPA and obtaining prior written consent prior to making any telephone calls for telemarketing.
  • The large financial settlement and the requirement to make business practice modifications highlighted the potential consequences of breaking the TCPA.
  • Companies in the telemarketing and direct-to-consumer industry were aware of the settlement and recognized the necessity to examine and, should it be necessary, modify their practices in order to be protected from similar legal issues.
  • The incident was an example of the importance of having robust compliance programs as well as the potential dangers associated with non-compliance.

Legal and Regulatory Landscape

  • The Assurance IQ settlement TCPA added to the ever-changing legislative and regulatory environment pertaining to practices of telemarketing.
  • It also highlighted the continuing importance and enforceability of the TCPA for decades after the law’s adoption.
  • The case also showed the ability of regulators and the courts to ensure that companies are held accountable for violating consumer rights.

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