Alberta Minimum Wage 2024: Everything You Need to Know

The minimum wage in Alberta remains at $15.00 per hour. This rate was gradually increased from $8.80 per hour in 2009, reaching $15.00 per hour by 2018.

Most employees in Alberta are entitled to this minimum wage, with exceptions for students and certain professions.

Minimum Wage Rate In Alberta

Worker TypeWage/SalaryNotes
Regular Workers$15 per hour
Federal Workers in Alberta$17.30 per hour
Student Workers (Under 18)$13 per hourConditions apply
Domestic Live-In Employees$2,848 per month
Salespersons (land agents, certain professionals, etc.)$589 per week

What Is A Minimum Wage?

A minimum wage is the lowest hourly wage that employers can legally pay their employees, whether they work part-time or full-time. Each province and territory in Canada has its labour laws and minimum wage rates, but most hourly workers are paid at least the minimum wage.

Is the minimum wage going up in Alberta?

Any changes to Alberta’s minimum wage will be updated in the Employment Standards Code. To stay informed about current employment laws and regulations, you can sign up for updates.

What Is The Minimum Wage Rate For Federal Workers In Alberta?

Starting April 1, 2024, the minimum wage for federal workers in Alberta is $17.30 per hour. This rate applies to employees in federally regulated industries such as postal services, banks, and federal Crown corporations.

What Is The Alberta Minimum Wage For Students?

The minimum wage for students under 18 in Alberta is $13.00 per hour, applicable only to the first 28 hours worked in a week while school is in session. Beyond 28 hours, the regular minimum wage of $15.00 per hour applies. This rate also applies during school breaks or summer holidays regardless of hours worked.

What Is The Minimum Wage Rate For Salespeople?

Salespeople, including roles such as car salesmen, land agents, dentists, lawyers, veterinarians, and architects, have a minimum wage rate of $589 per week. For a full list of eligible employees, please visit

How Should Small Business Owners Prepare For Changes?

While minimum wage increases benefit employees, they can be challenging for business owners. Here are some tips:

  • Audit your expenses: Review your cash flow and create an affordable hiring plan. Temporary workers might be a cost-effective alternative to full-time staff.
  • Hire and retain the right employees: Reducing turnover saves on recruitment costs. Seek candidates with good track records who fit your company culture, and invest in their growth.
  • Increase prices: According to Square’s 2023 Future of Retail report, 88% of consumers would understand price increases from their favorite local businesses.
  • Update tech: Automating tasks and reducing production costs can improve efficiency. Small business team management software can streamline scheduling and free up time.

Square offers resources to help your business thrive.

Does The Regular Minimum Wage Apply To Domestic Live-In Employees?

Domestic live-in employees are entitled to a minimum of $2,848 per month. Those who do not live in their employer’s home earn the general minimum wage of $15.00 per hour.

Alberta Minimum Wage For Employees Who Receive Tips Or Are On Commission

Employees paid via tips or commission must receive at least the regular minimum wage for all hours worked in a pay period. If these pay structures result in earnings below the minimum wage, the employer must supplement their pay.

Allowable Deductions To Minimum Wage

Employees must provide written authorization for wage reductions below the minimum wage for meals ($3.35 per meal) and lodging ($4.41 per day). Employers cannot deduct uniform expenses from an employee’s minimum wage.

How Much Is Overtime Pay In Alberta?

Most employees, including students, are entitled to overtime pay for hours worked over 8 hours in a day or 44 hours in a week, paid at 1.5 times the regular wage, unless a written overtime agreement exists.

Alberta Minimum Wage And The 3-Hour Rule

Employees must be paid for at least 3 hours if available to work, even if they work less. A 2-hour rule applies to school bus drivers, home care employees, part-time workers in local non-profit recreation or athletic programs, and 13-15-year-olds on school days.

Alberta Minimum Wage Paycheque Deductions

Even at minimum wage, employees will see deductions on their paycheque for:

  • Employment Insurance (EI): Supports the Employment Insurance program.
  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP): Funds retirement benefits.
  • Income tax: Collected by federal and provincial governments.
  • Other deductions: Union dues, pension benefit contributions, health benefits, and insurance premiums.

For More Information, you can visit Alberta employment standards rules

Final Thoughts

Alberta’s minimum wage is the seventh-highest in Canada at $15.00 per hour. This rate must be paid to most employees, with some exceptions. Employers can deduct costs for meals and lodging. Additionally, employees must be paid for at least 3 hours of work, and various deductions are taken from their paycheques.

Alberta Minimum Wage FAQs

How much has Alberta’s minimum wage increased since last year?

Alberta’s minimum wage hasn’t increased since October 1, 2018, when it rose from $13.60 to $15.00 per hour.

Do students receive minimum wage in Alberta?

Students over 18 receive the minimum wage of $15.00 per hour, while those under 18 receive $13.00 per hour, with certain conditions.

Who has the highest minimum wage in Canada?

The Yukon has the highest minimum wage at $16.77 per hour, followed by BC at $16.75 per hour.

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