$400 Centrelink Payment for Pensioners: When You’ll Get It, Who Can Get It, How Much, and Latest Updates

Here’s some great news for Australian retirees: Centrelink has just announced a $400 increase in the pension payment! Want to know more about when you’ll receive it, if you’re eligible, and how much you’ll get? Check out the full article for all the details on the $400 Centrelink Payment for Pensioners.

$400 Centrelink Payment for Pensioners

Centrelink has just announced a boost to pension plans for retirees. With inflation rising and the cost of living going up, many pensioners are struggling to cover their basic needs.

Superannuation, which is a key part of seniors’ income, often falls short of covering everyday expenses. It usually just covers medical bills, and as people age, their costs can go up. To help out, Centrelink is providing an extra $400 payment to ease some of the financial pressure.

$400 Centrelink Payment Dates 2024

Your $400 Centrelink payment is set to be released on March 20, 2024. Make sure to check your account on that date to see if the money has arrived. Typically, Centrelink payments are made every two weeks.

If you don’t see the payment by the end of March, don’t worry. Sometimes, there can be delays due to account verification. Your payment will be sent as soon as your account is successfully verified.

$400 Centrelink Eligibility 2024

In 2024, Centrelink will be giving a $400 increase to 4.7 million people. To qualify for this, there are a few things you need to know:

  • You must be over 65 and retired to get this benefit.
  • Make sure all your income tax returns are up to date before the payment is issued.
  • You need to be a permanent resident of Australia and provide proof of residency during the verification process.
  • If you’re the spouse of an Australian citizen, you can apply too, but you’ll need to show a 10-year visa history.
  • Survivors or widows are also eligible and will receive benefits based on the deceased’s contributions.
  • To qualify, you need to pass both the means test and the income test.

Make sure you meet these criteria to receive the increase!

$400 Centrelink Rates for 2024

Starting in 2024, the pension payments are going up. This extra amount will be added to the usual payments that beneficiaries receive. For individuals, the increase will be a bit different compared to couples. Check out the table below to see the new pension amounts for individuals.

ParticularsCurrent AmountIncreased Amount
Maximum Base Rate$1002$31.00
Maximum Pension Rate$80.70$1.40
Energy Supplement$14.10
Total (per fortnight)$1096.70$32.70
Total Annually$28514$850

Here’s the updated pension amount for couples living together:

ParticularsCurrent Amount (individually)Current Amount (Combined)Increased Amount (individually)Increased Amount (Combined)
Maximum Base Rate$755.60$23.40$1511.40$46.80
Maximum Pension rate$60.40$1.40$120.80$2.60
Energy Supplement$10.60$21.20
Total (per fortnight)$826.70$23.70$1653.40$49.20
Total Annually$21494$642.20$42988$1284.20

If law partners separate, each one will start receiving their individual benefits from the next payment after their separation date.

How to Apply for the $400 Centrelink Payment

If you’re new to the retirement plan or about to retire soon, you can apply for the $400 Centrelink payment. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to MyGov: Make sure your MyGov account is linked with Centrelink.
  2. Go to Payments: In the menu dashboard, click on “Payment and Claim.” You can choose either “Manage Payment” or “Manage Advance Payment,” or go directly to Centrelink Pension.
  3. Fill Out the Form: Once you’re on the right page, start filling out the application form.
  4. Choose Your Benefit: Pick the type of benefit you’re claiming from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the Amount: Type in the amount you want to claim.
  6. Submit Your Application: Hit “Apply” and you should see a “successful registration” message.

That’s it! You’ll be all set to receive your payment.

$400 Centrelink Update for 2024

With the cost of living going up across Australia, there have been some important changes to Centrelink payments. The Centrelink Allowance, Jobseeker Allowance, Disability Support Pension, and the Increased Cost of Living Allowance are all set to see a boost. This increase of $400 will start with the next monthly payment.

If you don’t see the extra $400 in your March payment, don’t worry—there’s a chance it will come through in September 2024 instead. This is because the extra payment is usually made twice a year.

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